Service & Repair
DestinY Audio is not a "button pusher seller at a kitchen table" company which can be find on the market nowadays very often.
The most of the people working for DestinY Audio are professionals in the audio field, most of them a long time before we started DestinY Audio in 2006.
We not only sell and repair products, we also make own developments for us, we make developments for our suppliers and for other brands as well.
We give a true, means a trulely existing, guarantee from at least two years (tubes six months). Not as the "button pusher seller at a kitchen table" which dont have any knowledge and no repair shop somewhere on planet earth.
For the European market we have our own repair center located in Germany.
For the American continent we have a repair partner in the United States.
For the Asian market we have our own repair center located in China.

If there is any problem with one of our products simply contact us on the form on this website.
Please provide us the serial number and or the invoice number of your product. This helps us to identify your product much faster. Maybe a product looks similar from the outside over many years it was or is produced, but is uses different parts and or a different shematic at the inside.
We highly recommend not to give your product to any kind of "we repair all and everything" shop. It's impossible that such kind of repair shops working seriously. We understand the technology of our products, we have all the needed documents like diagrams and part lists (we not share them), we have all the needed equipment for repair work and we have the repair skills for many year.
Customer service is a time and money consuming job. Usually we dont earn money with it. So notice that "Customer service is a service you always buy together with your product". We only reply on requests and provide service to the products we sold. If you didnt bought from us please dont disturb. We only use our time for our own customers.